No Script Luxury Car Drivers Are Giving Up Their Cars For The Holiday
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Luxury Car Drivers Are Giving Up Their Cars For The Holiday

Cincinnati, OH (December 11, 2013)

Many of today’s luxury car brands are promoting their December holiday campaigns. But which luxury car drivers see the current month as a December to forget campaign for their car? analyzed all listings of its recent Black Friday holiday promotion, which offered deep discounts to people looking to escape their car lease through transfer. Of all popular luxury brands, Mercedes-Benz saw the largest population looking to escape at 21.6% of total listings. BMW drivers represented the second tier of luxury listings at 18.5%; Lexus was third at 6.8% of listings; followed by Audi in fourth at 4.3% of listings. executives quickly point out that this isn’t necessarily bad news for these brands, as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Lexus all enjoy high brand retention on the site. It is estimated that a high percentage of these customers plan to shop for a new car within the same brand family. Manufacturers that make it difficult for lease transfers typically see a larger portion of their listings result in brand defections.

“Brands with a favorable transfer policy that make it easy for drivers to switch have historically enjoyed higher retention rates,” said Scot Hall, Executive Vice President. “It is not surprising to see as many as 75% of these customers return to the same brand simply because they like the simplicity of getting a different car more frequently.” executives were also interested in the disparity between Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Lexus, which over the last few years had developed more parity among inventory representation. In a recent customer survey on brand popularity, these three brands differed by just a few percentage points according to customer feedback. is the first and only full-service online marketplace of in-process vehicle leases. With the goal of matching individuals who are currently leasing vehicles they wish to get out of, with individuals who are looking for short-term leases with attractive payments and no money down, it’s the perfect way to find the perfect vehicle for you.

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